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Acrostic Praise

Sunset over a grassy field with mountains in the background. A path leads into the distance, under a sky in shades of orange and gray.

All Glory and praise to God!

Beyond all earthly power

Creation sings His goodness

Death itself trembles

Every spirit bows down

Forever acknowledging His might.

Great is our God!

Holy in all His ways

In splendor He reigns

Justice is His part

Keeping His word and His promises

Love is His covenant.

My part is faithfulness

Now and always, I praise God

On my lips, praise and thanksgiving.

Pray always, sons of God!

Quiet your worries, trust in Him.

Remember His presence

Share with Him your heart.

Take courage and speak

Use your voice to entreat Him.

Valiant and merciful is He

With grace and kindness

Extraordinary in might

Yet so near to us.

Zeal for God consumes me.

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